Thursday, 7 September 2017

Ebsu 2017/2018 Post UTME Form and Admission Screening Date

Ebsu 2017/2018 Post UTME form is out. The form costs N2000. Candidates who chose Ebsu as first choice in the 2017 Jamb examination and had a score of 160 and above can apply. In addition, candidates must possess the required O’Level credits for university admissions. However, those who did not initially chose Ebsu for admission in Jamb are also eligible to apply. Registration will begin on Wednesday, 30th August, 2017. The deadline for applying is Wednesday, 20th September, 2017. The screening exercise will hold on Saturday, 23th September, 2017 at the following venues:

Venue 1: Faculty Of Education, Ishieke Annex (Campus)
1. Law
2. Management Sciences
* Public Administration
* Accountancy
* Banking & Finance
* Business Management
* Marketing
3. Education/Arts
* Arts & Soc. Sci. Edu. (Eco, Soc Std, Eng, Rel,)
* Educational Fdns (Admin & Planning, G & C)
* Bus. Education

Venue 2: College Of Health Sciences (Presco Campus)
Social Sciences & Humanities
* Economic
* Psychology
* Sociology & Anthrop.
* History & Int’l Relns.
* Political Science
* Languages & Linguistics
* Mass Communication
* Philosophy & Religion
* English Lang & Lit Studies

Venue 3: Ebsu Staff Schools, Cas Annex (Campus)
1. Faculty Of Sciences
* Biochemistry
* Industrial Chemistry
* Industrial Physics
* Industrial Maths/ Applied Statistics
* Computer Science
2. Agric & Nat. Res. Mgt.
* Agric Econs Mgt & Ext.
* Crop Production & Landscape Management
* Soil Sci. & Env. Mgt.
* Food Sci. & Tech.
* Fisheries & Aquaculture
* Animal Science
3. Education Science
* Tech & Voc. Edu.(Agric, Elect Edu, Mech.Edu, Home Econ.Edu)
* Sci. Edu. (Csc, Bio, Maths, Chem, Intg. Sci. Edu.)
* Human Kinetics & Health Education

Venue 4: Faculty of Agriculture & Natural Resources Management, Cas Annex (Campus)
Health Sciences & Tech.
* Medical Laboratory Sci.
* Nursing Science

Venue 5: Faculty of Law & Pre-Degree School, Cas Annex (Campus)
Basic Medical Sciences
* Anatomy
* Medicine & Surgery

Please note that candidates are expected to locate and report to their Post UTME centres as indicated on their acknowledgement slips.

To apply, follow the instructions below:
1. Go to
2. Click on the link “EBSU PORTAL”
3. Click on Online application
4. Click on 2017/2018 admission screening application
5. Type in your: (i) Jamb registration number and (ii) Functional Phone number
6. Generate payment invoice containing your details
7. Proceed to the bank to make payment through e-tranzact and obtain your e-tranzact Pin number from the bank. You can pay in Diamond Bank Plc, First Bank Plc, Ebsu Microfinance Bank, Eco Bank or UBA.
8. Go back to the portal with your confirmation order pin obtained from bank.
9. Proceed to complete the form online
10. Correctly enter your O’level results
11. Confirm your entries
12. Submit your application
13. Print out your acknowledgement slip

Candidates should come to the Post UTME Centre with the following:
1. Two clear copies (with clear picture) of their ACKNOWLEDGMENT SLIP
2. Original and photocopies of UTME result notification Slip and O’Level results to be submitted during the Post UTME Test.
3. Confirmation Order (Pin) Number used for registration (With the Bank Teller).

Please note the following:
1. Payment after Wednesday, 20th September, 2017 shall be of no effect.
2. All due payments without due online registration shall not qualify any candidate for the Post UTME.
3. Blurred scanned passport photograph will disqualify and only candidates whose WAEC/NECO etc results are successfully verified may be considered for admission into Ebsu.
4. Visit Ebsu website for your Post UTME result.

To check your admission status, follow the procedure below:
1. Go to
2. Click on check admission status (Regular)
3. Enter your JAMB Registration Number and Click Submit.

Ebsu Post UTME Admission

Session: 2017/2018
Status: Active
Form: On sale
Form price: N2000
Closing date: Wednesday, 20th September, 2017
Screening date: Saturday, 23th September, 2017
Jamb cut-off mark: 160
Eligibility: First choice candidates only

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