Tuesday, 31 July 2018

North Korea IS building new MISSILES: Kim Jong-Un has PULLED WOOL over our eyes, says USA


Donald Trump

NORTH Korea appears to be working towards building new ballistic missiles despite Kim Jong-un's promise to work towards giving up his stockpile of nuclear weapons following meetings with Donald Trump.

US President Mr Trump appeared to make a diplomatic breakthrough when he met communist despot Kim for historic talks in Singapore last month.
But now a senior US official said spy satellites had detected renewed activity at the North Korean factory that produced the country's first intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the United States.
North Korea appears to be building one or two new liquid-fueled intercontinental ballistic missiles at the large research facility on the outskirts of Pyongyang, according to The Washington Post. 
According to the US official, one photo showed a truck and covered trailer similar to those the North has used to move its ICBMs.
Since the trailer was covered, it was not possible to know what, if anything, it was carrying.
Pompeo said last week that the brutal regime was continuing to produce fuel for nuclear bombs.
Mr Trump declared soon after his summit with Kim that North Korea no longer posed nuclear threats, but Pyongyang has offered no details on its plan to denuclearise and subsequent talks have not gone smoothly.
The North's state media has in recent days chastised the South for failing to move more swiftly to improve inter-Korean relations while paying too much heed to Washington.
And on Tuesday North and South Korea held military talks amid rising tensions. 
The meeting, their second since June, held in the border village of Panmunjom in the demilitarised zone (DMZ), was designed to follow on from an inter-Korean summit in April at which leaders of the two Koreas agreed to defuse tensions and halt "all hostile acts."
Kim Do-gyun, the South's chief negotiator who is in charge of North Korea policy at the defence ministry, told reporters before leaving for the DMZ that he would make efforts to craft "substantive" measures to ease tensions and build trust.
South Korea's defence ministry said last week it plans to reduce guard posts and equipment along the heavily fortified border as an initial step to implement the agreement.
It comes after Rodong Sinmun, North Korea's official party newspaper, has accused Seoul of "wasting time" waiting for sanctions to be lifted only after denuclearisation is completed, without "taking a single action" on its own.
It called for steps to facilitate a restart of the previously jointly-run but now closed programmes, such as the Kaesong Industrial Complex and tours to the North's Mount Kumgang resort.
Seoul has said those projects can be resumed when there is progress on Pyongyang's denuclearisation and sanctions are eased.
North Korea's propaganda website Uriminjokkiri also criticised South Korea for its stance of keeping sanctions on Tuesday, saying "sanctions and conversation cannot exist side by side."
North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un also vowed during his separate summit with the US President in Singapore last month to work toward denuclearisation, but there has not been a concrete agreement to accomplish that goal. 

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