The woman, named only as Jayanthi, 45, is said to have sneaked off from her husband Senthamarai, 55, after saying she wanted to go to the toilet during a festival in India. But when she failed to return after an hour he went looking for her and found her ‘in a compromising position’ with another villager called Dhatchanamoorthi.
Shocked Senthamarai lost a chunk of his penis, alongside some clothing, during an ugly bust-up with the pair, police said. An officer said: ‘Enraged, Senthamarai grabbed his wife and her lover and threatened to make their relationship public.
‘Noise from the festivities drowned out Dhatchanamoorthi’s cries for help. ‘In the scuffle that ensued, Senthamarai’s dhoti (trousers made of cloth) fell off. ‘Jayanthi, fearing she and her lover would be thrashed, wanted to escape before villagers reached the spot. ‘She bit his penis, severing part of it, and fled with her lover.’ The wife is being held on an attempted murder charge after biting her husband’s penis off (Picture: Mydrim Jones) Horrified on-lookers took blood-drenched Senthamarai and the severed part of his penis to Vellore Government Hospital. The farmer is said to be ‘stable’ after being transferred to Government General Hospital in Chennai for specialist care. His wife ‘confessed to the crime,’ police told the Times of India.
She is being held in Vellore Central Prison for Women on an attempted murder charge. Jayanthi was arrested after police tracked her down by monitoring Dhatchanamoorthi’s phone after they fled the village of Thuraimoolai near Gudiyatham. She and husband had taken part in an Aadi temple festival and were watching a street play before she slipped from the crowd. A year ago, another husband ended up in the same Vellore hospital as Senthamarai after his wife reportedly chopped off his penis when he called her old. She was then said to have put it in her purse and hopped on a bus to see her parents.